Are You A Leader Struggling to Achieve Outstanding Results?
Multiply Your Results and Skyrocket Your Career
Discover the motivational processes that have boosted the jobs and careers of thousands of Fortune 500 leaders, nonprofit and government leaders.
Dear Leader:
Is your boss pressuring you for better performance? Do you feel like you're stagnating in your job and career?
Are those who work for and with you unfocused and uninspired? Perhaps they are phenomenally successful one month and struggling the next. Look, even the most highly trained personnel can be underachievers. I wish you could flip a switch and revitalize their enthusiasm and interest in their work and success, rather than just the status quo?
The truth is you can't.
That is unless you make a quantum change in the way you think about what it takes to be a great leader.
The fact is, if you're the leader, you must get results -- and often get results with shrinking resources and less-than-interested people.
But how can you accomplish what you've been charged to do without motivated people willing to dedicate their time, talents, and energy to what you believe in?
Think about how you'd feel about your job, your career, your company, and your future if you found a way to get the results you badly need.
Heck, think about what your family would think about YOU.
Focused, continual results are within your reach. Fast-track your way to success
Leading your team well takes more than delivering canned presentations and conventional, yawn-inducing speeches.
In fact, if you want to leap to a new level of leadership effectiveness, I insist you stop giving presentations and speeches!
I've got a better way to get the job done.
I've found a revolutionary way to help you motivate employees of all attitudes and interests to become your most productive cause leaders who can help get more results than you have ever achieved!
Give Leadership Talks! What are Leadership Talks? Well, they're not presentations -- that's for sure.
Presentations format and communicate information. But Leadership Talks not only do that important thing, but they also do something more and something that is often much more important! They help you establish deep, human, emotional connections with people, so they are inspired to get great results.
Turbo Charge Your Job Performance and Ramp Up Your Career. You Could Become an Industry Star!
Take bold, risk-free action. 99% of leaders do not know about The Leadership Talk.
But now you are part of the 1% that does.
That puts you one step closer to jumpstarting your job performance.
Organizations: Besides having lectured about the Leadership Talk at MIT Sloan School of Management, Columbia University, Wake Forest, Villanova, Williams, Middlebury, and other academic institutions, I have also brought the Leadership Talk to leaders of all ranks and functions in these organizations: Abbott, Ameritech, Anheuser-Busch, Armstrong World Industries, AT&T, BancOne, BASF, Bell Atlantic, BellSouth, Betz Laboratories, Bose, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Campbell Sales, Canadian Government, CNA, DuPont, Eaton Corporation, Exelon, First Energy, Ford, General Electric, General Motors, GTE, Hershey Foods, Houghton Mifflin, IBM, Meals-on-Wheels, Merck, Miller Brewing Company, NASA, PaineWebber, Polaroid, Price Waterhouse, Roadway Express, Sears Roebuck, Spalding International, Southern Company, The United Nations, Unilever, UPS, Union Carbide, United Dominion Industries, U.S. Steel, Vermont State Police, Warner-Lambert — and many more. #
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